December 22, 2016

Nadi Parikshan

Nadi Parikshan [Pulse Diagnosis]
We strongly believe all disease is psychosomatic. In our brain lies all our ailments. Therefore we base our Diagnosis Services by reading the pulse of the the patients as we believe a correct pulse reading gives a clear indication of of the state of the mind. Based on the outcome of the pulse reading we offer our treatment methods.

Nadi Parikshan
Nadi Pariksha is a very special diagnostic tool. Pulse is a subtle manifestation of universal consciousness pulsating through a person’s constitution. As we know flow of the blood through the body carries nutrients to cellular level. This is continuous flow of communication in between cells, and this flow of communication is intelligence of a body. This intelligence is most important in analyzing disturbances at the body level.

Analyzing the state of mind
Balanced body
Analyze mind body and even soul

Significance of Nadipariksha, today there are many diagnostic tools are available in market like X ray, USG, ECG, EEG, , MRI, CT Scan, blood and urine investigation tools, angiography and many more. But none of them is capable of analyzing the state of mind. Many times it happens that all reports of a patient are absolutely normal but still a person is complaining about his health. The role of Ayurveda starts here. In Ayurveda, according to definition of Swastha; atma, man and indriya are considered equally important as that of balanced body. A machine cannot sense hunger, fear, thirst, anger and many more senses. These machines require a lot of money and man power; still no one can guarantee a correct diagnosis. Where as in Nadi Vigyan, one can analyze mind body and even soul with the help of intelligence and knowledge of Nadipariksha.